How to Install a Standalone Certificate License

Automatic Installation

Make sure your USB key is plugged in before running GeoStudio, and GeoStudio will automatically install any licenses that are tied to hostids it detects on your computer (such as a USB key).

Using the License Installation Wizard

Beginning with the September 2013 Release of GeoStudio 2012, you can install any license by choosing Help Install a License... from the GeoStudio menu. Enter the licenses' Serial Numbers and follow the instructions on your screen.

Manually Installing a Certificate License

If the automatic installation does not work for some reason, you can download a certificate license, then save it to the Licenses folder.

To determine the location of your Licenses folder, run GeoStudio and choose Tools License Management from the menu. You will see a dialog box similar to one of these, which displays the path to the Licenses folder:

GeoStudio 2012, look on the "Local Settings" tab:
The license folder path is found in the License Management dialog box

GeoStudio 2007 and earlier:
The license folder path is found in the License Management dialog box

When you download a license file, your browser will ask if you want to Open or Save the file. Choose Save (if you choose Open and it opens in Notepad, then Notepad will sometimes change the file extension to ".lic.txt", which makes the file unusable), navigate to the Licenses folder, and click Save.

GeoStudio 2007 on Windows Vista or Windows 7: If your Licenses folder is under the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folder, you may encounter trouble updating license files. Please read the Knowledge Base article KB743: License File Problems on Vista and Windows 7 and follow the simple instructions to move your license folder to a different location.

It's a good idea to delete your old license files or move them to a different folder after downloading a new one. That will speed up the time it takes GeoStudio to start up, and avoid problems where it uses an expiring license instead of a newer one.

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